Arrival & Central Check-In
Central Check-In (CCI) is your first stop when you arrive on campus for Orientation. During CCI, you will check in with the registrar, receive an information packet and your student ID (OneCard), complete forms as necessary, and receive your room key. You and your family will be able to meet representatives from offices on campus as well as community partners who offer valuable services to students. You must complete this process before you proceed to your house.
Spring 2025 Central Check-In
Spring Orientation will take place January 23–January 25, 2025.
You Are Here!
Enjoy scenes from arrival and move-in day for fall 2023. Check out the For Students menu for links to information on academics, campus life, offices, and services. Here’s to a fantastic academic year!
Welcome to Smith!
Contact Student Affairs
Clark Hall 101
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063
Phone: 413-585-4940 Email: